Unit 1: Introduction to Python Programming
1.0 Python Programming Course Preview
1.1 How to use this Video Course
1.2 Introduction to Programming
1.3 Introduction to Python Programming
1.4 Installation of Anaconda Distribution (Python, Jupyter Notebook) & Eclipse
1.5 Basic Concepts of Python Programming
1.6 Some Simple Python Programs
Unit 2: Brief Introduction to Python Data Types
2.1 Introduction to Python Data Types
2.2 Python Data Type- Numbers (int, float, complex)
2.3 Python Data Type- Numbers (bin, oct, hex)
2.4 Python Data Type (Strings)
2.5 Python Data Type (Lists)
2.6 Python Data Type (Tuples)
2.7 Python Data Type (range)
2.8 Python Data Type (Set)
2.9 Python Data Type (FrozenSet)
2.10 Python Data Type (Dictionary)
2.11 Python Data Type (Boolean & None)
Unit 3: Operators & Expressions in Python
3.1 Introduction to Python Operators & Expressions
3.2 Python Arithmetic Operators
3.3 Python Comparison Operators
3.4 Python Assignment Operators
3.5 Python Logical Operators
3.6 Python Bitwise Operators
3.7 Python Membership Operators
3.8 Python Identity Operators
3.9 Python Expressions
Unit 4: Decision Making in Python
4.1 Introduction to Decision Control Statements in Python
4.2 Python if statement
4.3 Python if - else statement
4.4 Python elif statement
4.5 Python nested if statements
Unit 5: Loops in Python
5.1 Introduction to Python Loops
5.2 Python while loop
5.3 Python for loop
5.4 Python for loop - Programs
5.5 Python nested loops
5.6 Python- Loop Control Statements (break, continue and pass)
5.7 Python- else statement with loops
--Data Types in Detail (Unit 6 to 12)--
Unit 6: Numbers (Python Data Type)
6.1 Introduction to Numbers (Python Data Type)
6.2 Math Module (Core Methods)
6.3 math module (Power & Logarithmic Functions)
6.4 math Module (Remaining Functions)
6.5 Number related built in functions
6.6 Random Numbers in Python
Unit 7: List (Python Data Type)
7.1 Basic Concepts of List (Python Data Type)
7.2 Python- List Built-in Functions
7.3 Python- List Built-in Methods (Part - 1)
7.4 Python- List Built-in Methods (Part - 2)
7.5 Python- List Built-in Methods (Part - 3)
7.6 Python- Some Programs on Lists
Unit 8: Tuple (Python Data Type)
8.1 Tuple Basics (Python Data Type)
8.2 Python- Tuple Built-in Functions
8.3 Python- Tuple Built-in Methods
8.4 Python- Some Programs on Tuples
Unit 9: Set (Python Data Type)
9.1 Set - Basic Concepts (Python Data Type)
9.2 Python- Set – Built-in Functions
9.3 Python- Set – Built-in Methods (Part-1)
9.4 Python- Set – Built-in Methods (Part-2)
9.5 Python- Set – Built-in Methods (Part-3)
9.6 Python- Some Programs on Sets
Unit 10: Frozenset (Python Data Type)
10.1 Frozenset - Basic Concepts (Python Data Type)
10.2 Python- Frozenset - Functions & Methods
Unit 11: Dictionary (Python Data Type)
11.1 Python- Basic Concepts of Dictionary
11.2 Python- Dictionary – Built-in Functions
11.3 Python- Dictionary – Built-in Methods (Part-1)
11.4 Python- Dictionary – Built-in Methods (Part-2)
11.5 Python- Dictionary – Built-in Methods (Part-3)
Unit 12: String (Python Data Type)
12.1 String - Basic Concepts (Python Data Type)
12.2 Python- String – Built-in Functions
12.3 Python- String – Built-in Methods (Part-1) - Alphabets & Cases
12.4 Python- String – Built-in Methods (Part-2) - Boolean Methods
12.5 Python- String – Built-in Methods (Part-3) - Searching for Substrings
12.6 Python- String – Built-in Methods (Part-4) - String Alignment
12.7 Python- String – Built-in Methods (Part-5) - String Formatting Methods
12.8 Python- String – Built-in Methods (Part-6) - String Mapping & Translating Methods
12.9 Python- String – Built-in Methods (Part-7) - Splitting, Partition, Count and Membership
Unit 13 Functions in Python
13.1 Python- Basic Concepts of Functions
13.2 Python- Function Arguments
13.3 Python Functions- Scope of Variables - Local, Global & Nonlocal
13.4 Python Functions- Iterators and Generators
13.5 Python Functions- Miscellaneous Topics (Standard Library Functions, Lambda Functions Nested Functions, Recursive Functions and pas
Unit 14: Turtle Graphics
14.1 Introduction to Turtle
14.2 Turtle Methods Part 1 (Turtle Motion - Move and Draw)
14.3 Turtle Methods Part 2 (Turtle Motion - Move and Draw - Continues)
14.4 Turtle Methods Part 3 (Turtle Motion - Turtle’s State and Measurement)
14.5 Turtle Methods Part 4 (Pen Control – Drawing State)
14.6 Turtle Methods Part 5 (Pen Control – Color Control)
14.7 Turtle Methods Part 6 (Pen Control – Filling)
14.8 Turtle Methods Part 7 (Turtle State – Visibility)
14.9 Turtle Methods Part 8 (Turtle State – Appearance)
14.10 Turtle Methods Part 9 (Events)
14.11 Turtle Methods Part 10 (Input)
14.12 Turtle Methods Part 11 (Screen Specific)
14.13 Turtle Methods Part 12 (Special Turtle Methods)
14.14 TurtleScreen Methods Part 1 (Window Control)
14.15 TurtleScreen Methods Part 2 (Animation Control)
14.16 TurtleScreen Methods Part 3 (Screen Events)
14.17 TurtleScreen Methods Part 4 (Settings)
14.18 Some Programs on Turtle Graphics
Unit 15: Date - Time - Calendar
15.1 Python time Module (Part-1)
15.2 Python time Module (Part-2)
15.3 Python time Module (Part-3)
15.4 Python time Module (Part-4)
15.5 Python calendar Module (Part-1)
15.6 Python calendar Module (Part-2)
15.7 Python calendar Module (Part-3) Data Attributes
15.8 Python datetime Module
15.9 Python dateutil and pytz Library
15.10 Some Programs (Python date-time-calendar)
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