Cover Pages
Python eBook - Cover Page
Speed16 Python Training Promo
Unit 1 - Introduction to Python Programming
1.0 Introduction to Python Programming
1.1 Features of Python
1.2 History of Python
1.3 Future and Application Areas of Python
1.4 Installation & Running Python Programs
1.5 Literal Constants
1.6 Variables
1.7 Identifiers
1.8 Keywords (Reserved words)
1.10 Blank Lines in Python
1.11 Multiple Statements on a Single Line
1.12 Steps in Learning Hindi, English & Python language
1.13 Some Useful functions
1.14 Indentation
1.15 Some Simple Python Programs
1.16 Exercises (Write Programs in any IDE)
Unit 2 - Data Types (in brief)
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Numbers
2.2 Strings – str()
2.3 Lists – list( )
2.4 Tuples – tuple( )
2.5 Range – range()
2.6 Sets – set()
2.7 Frozen Sets – frozenset()
2.8 Dictionary – dict()
2.9 Boolean – bool( )
2.10 None - NoneType
2.11 Binary - bytes, bytearray, memoryview
2.12 Format Specifiers - format( )
2.13 Escape Sequences
2.14 Typecasting (Data Type Conversion)
2.15 Some Programs
2.16 Exercises
Unit 3 - Operators and Expressions
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Arithmetic Operators
3.2 Comparison (Relational) Operators
3.3 Assignment Operators
3.4 Logical Operators
3.5 Bitwise Operators
3.6 Membership Operators
3.7 Identity Operators
3.8 Expressions in Python
3.9 Exercises
Unit 4 - Decision Control Statements
4.0 Introduction
4.1 if
4.2 if-else
4.3 if-elif-else
4.4 nested if
4.5 Some Programs
4.6 Exercises
Unit 5 - Loop Structures
5.0 Introduction
5.1 while loop
5.2 for loop
5.3 Nested loops
5.4 Loop Control Statements (break, continue and pass)
5.5 else statement with loops
5.6 Exercises
Unit 6 - Numbers
6.0 Introduction
6.1 math Module
6.2 Number related built in functions
6.3 Random Numbers
6.4 Exercises
Unit 7 - Lists
7.0 Introduction
7.1 Creating Lists
7.2 List Comprehension
7.3 Reading list elements from user
7.4 Concatenation, Repetition, Indexing and Slicing
7.5 Displaying List Elements
7.6 Built in Functions
7.7 Built in Methods of Lists
7.8 Membership Test
7.9 Some Programs on Lists
7.10 Exercises
Unit 8 - Tuples
8.0 Introduction
8.1 Creating Tuples
8.2 Reading Tuple elements from user
8.3 Concatenation, Repetition, Indexing and Slicing
8.4 Displaying Tuple Elements
8.5 Built-in Functions
8.6 Tuple Methods
8.7 Membership Test
8.8 Some Python Programs
8.9 Exercises
Unit 9 - Sets
9.0 Introduction
9.1 Creating Sets
9.2 Set Comprehension
9.3 Reading Set elements from user
9.4 Concatenation, Repetition, Indexing and Slicing
9.5 Displaying Set Elements
9.6 Built in Functions
9.7 Built in Methods of Sets
9.8 Membership Test
9.9 Some Programs on Sets
9.10 Exercises
Unit 10 - Frozenset
10.0 Introduction
10.1 Creating Frozensets
10.2 Frozenset Comprehension
10.3 Reading Frozenset elements from user
10.4 Concatenation, Repetition, Indexing and Slicing
10.5 Displaying Frozenset Elements
10.6 Built in Functions
10.7 Built in Methods of Frozensets
10.8 Membership Test
Unit 11 - Dictionary
11.0 Introduction
11.1 Creating Dictionary
11.2 Dictionary Comprehension
11.3 Reading Dictionary from User
11.4 Concatenation, Repetition, Indexing and Slicing
11.5 Displaying Dictionary
11.6 Built in Functions related to Dictionary
11.7 Built in Methods of Dictionary
11.8 Membership Test
11.9 Exercises
Unit 12 - Strings
12.0 Introduction
12.1 Creating Strings
12.2 Reading Strings from user
12.3 Concatenation, Repetition, Indexing and Slicing
12.4 Displaying Strings
12.5 Built in Functions
12.6 Built in Methods of Strings
12.7 Membership Test
12.8 Exercises
Unit 13 - Functions
13.1 Basic Concepts
13.2 Return statements
13.3 Function Arguments
13.4 Scope of Variables (Local, Global and Nonlocal)
13.5 Standard Library Functions
13.6 Lambda Functions (Anonymous Functions)
13.7 Nested Functions
13.8 Recursive Functions
13.9 Function Call
13.10 Iterators & Generators
13.11 pass statement
13.12 Exercises
Unit 14 - Turtle Graphics
14.0 Introduction
14.1 List of Turtle methods
14.2 List of TurtleScreen (Screen methods)
14.3 Turtle methods
14.4 TurtleScreen (Screen methods)
14.5 Some Programs
14.6 Exercises
Unit 15 - Date – Time – Calendar
15.0 Introduction
15.1 time module
15.2 Calendar Module
15.3 HTML Calendar
15.4 datetime module
15.5 dateutil library
15.6 pytz library
15.7 Some Programs
15.8 Exercises
Unit 16 - Introduction to Programming & Problem Solving (For Engineering Students)
16.0 Introduction
16.1 Basic Concepts of Programming Languages
16.2 General Problem Solving Concepts
16.3 Introduction to Program Design Tools
16.4 Exercise (Write Answers on Paper using Pencils)
Coming Soon
Modules & Packages
Object Oriented Programming
File Handling
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